Tag: wizards

Don’t Flinch, Even if You’re Busted

Sye-nitch had been comforted by Imep’s logic, until a couple days later, as Imep and Croll, and a few other Druntuss leaders were quietly plotting over a table.  One of the Oolar’s big bodyguards walked into the tavern, summoning Croll.  When the regiment commander ordered Sye-nitch to come along, the lookout felt impending doom. His…

Play a Dangerous Scheme

Moving among the many townsfolk and refugees, wearing the magical disguise of an old human male in worn farmer’s garb, Egress watched the people of Swinden, as they hurriedly evacuated their town in central Humboldt Bruit.  Those who had already fled danger, were able to take to the road again more quickly, with word of…

Know Thy Enemy

Night had come over the Starlight Tower.  Wearing his human disguise in his quiet study, Egress sat, memorizing a spell, when the chime of a bell sounded, from a cloth-covered water bowl sitting among various sealed jars on a corner table. Loray paused as she was carrying a box between rooms, and looked to see…

Bile of Reminiscence

Egress looked at the vision in the scrying bowl.  The falsely-pleasant face of Nazzrant, human wizard and member of Maguleth’s northern division of the Daghaivan, looked back at him. “I bring news of a new troop deployment to the north of the Rocky Pine forest,” the uzruul said.  “The commander believes he will come between…

The Penalty for Failure

Sye-nitch stood with Croll, regiment commander of the Druntuss tribe, and their powerful chief, Ingruk, in the rooms housing the Daghaivan – the Oolar’s dark-robed wizards – in the central quarter of the undercity complex. It was not often the tri-cleorps ventured here.  Usually only the Oolar and his bodyguards visited, then shared news with…