Chapter 2

A few days later, Natty and Mariba stood on the southern outskirts of Neldane, beside the road leading out of town.  Natty gently scratched Bello’s shoulder, in the pre-dawn light of a crisp spring morning, as gentle breezes wafted through the leafy branches overhead. She gave a firm rub to the bend of his neck,…

Watch “Iwakakeru! Sport Climbing Girls Episode 6 English Sub” on YouTube At 13:51 – “She’s absurdly quick to pick herself up and try again.” That’s a good life lesson for everyone, young or old.

Look at this… 👀

I saw this picture as far back as the 1980s. I need to revisit it, for encouragement, and keep going.🙂 Look at this… 👀

Watch “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Live At The Helix In Dublin…” on YouTube

I have always loved Celtic Woman. And it’s nice to share their angelic performance of such a wonderful song.


I know I was taking a break from my main story Jagged Coast to work on Equestrian Girl Adventure. And with my current work situation, I have very little time to write at all. But in viewing clips and comments by Kim Chance on YouTube, I found inspiration for ways I could write the story…

👀 Look at this…

👀 Look at this… The days of freedom, and before technology took over our childhood. Long live the 1980s!!❤

Watch “The D-Day Darlings – Keep the Home Fires Burning (Official Video)” on YouTube

For the honor of those who fought in World War 2, and for all they did to defend the virtues of freedom and liberty, I just had to share this. I very much appreciate what these ladies are doing.


If you want to become a published author, do you have to purchase an ISBN? Even if you own the story you have posted on your site, don’t you still have to buy/apply for a copyright?

Found this on Pinterest. Had to share it.

Look at this…

Chapter 1 Part 2

“Why has Terba been ridden this morning?!” he demanded, towering over Natty with his broad frame and weathered features. “For training,” she clearly and respectfully answered, tilting her head back slightly to look up at him. “No one is supposed to ride him,” he scolded, “except the Colonel!”  Then he slowly and icily asked, “Who…