Tag: wizard

The Gift of Courtesy

Fawnlum and Lucas traversed the city and found their way to the Plavence – – the estate of Henbrace’s wizards. The buildings inside the fenced perimeter were old, but did not show deterioration. Not many people were gathered, but the Plavence was still a popular place this morning. Messengers came and went, as if the…

The Villain and the Toady

Far to the west-north-west, among barren peaks, a shadow entered a cave at the base of a cold, lonely mountain. His magic defeated traps and guard-beasts, as he made his way slowly but surely toward the mountain’s heart, and the lair contained within. The stranger knew his presence was detected by the wards along the…

The Evil Deed

Egress Peloar sat cross-legged, forming the magical gestures with his gracefully interweaving hands.  The gentle rays of an early spring sun shown through the peaceful Windsaeve forest, in the land of western Calador, around the stealth field which hid the two robed figures from the eyes of the world. The pale, alien, five-inch-high mushroom in…