Tag: tri-cleorps

Evil is Building, the Storm is Coming

As Caitlyn and Dreighton sat at their small fire, playing their part as decoys, an unexpected guest silently padded up.  They watched as she came closer, approaching as if tamed. “Well-met, spirit-wolf,” Dreighton said.  “What are you about?” The creature drew closer, looking around and quietly growling deep in her throat, growing more agitated. Then…

They’ll Find Us More Than Ready

Sye-nitch looked away, as he threw the bag and its contents into the magma flow creeping past the forging area. He glared at the goblin workers.   Since their eyes could stand the red glow of the fire and lava, they were pressed into service here, making more weapons for the Oolar’s armies.  No one dared…

Don’t Bother Me, I’m Working

He had no teacher to guide him, but he held the small mallet with confidence, carefully and patiently forming the symbols, one tap at a time. Honee had been right – it was better to do something for someone else.  But she had given him more guidance than she would ever know.  He had believed…

Make Your Enemy Sweat, But Don’t Underestimate Them

Kamep the spear-sharpener stood at the table where the heads were piled.  Sye-nitch nearly pitied the low-ranking tribe-mate, as he told again of how a gang from the Blister-foot tribe had brought them into the Druntuss section of the undercity, staying only long enough to dump them in front of him, toss him the victims’…

The Best Trap Makes For the Sweetest Vengeance

Thanks to the dark-vision granted by her headband, Fawnlum saw the five north-side tri-cleorps moving in, on the pair of decoys sitting by the fire. Halrick and Caitlyn faced each other quietly, for all intents oblivious to any danger.   From her perch in their fourth nest-site, which the humans had built themselves, after the dwarves…

Loose Lips

Sye-nitch listened as Tjukubb, a newly appointed pack leader, put on a confident face before Tolga, following a competition to pick new recruits.  All of them had trained in pack-fighting, so the prospects were promising. That was his thought, as suddenly the tavern door swung open, and Bug-toe, the dim-bulb, walked right up to Tolga….

The Penalty for Failure

Sye-nitch stood with Croll, regiment commander of the Druntuss tribe, and their powerful chief, Ingruk, in the rooms housing the Daghaivan – the Oolar’s dark-robed wizards – in the central quarter of the undercity complex. It was not often the tri-cleorps ventured here.  Usually only the Oolar and his bodyguards visited, then shared news with…

Sometimes Secrets Help Us; Sometimes They Save Our Lives

Baneck carefully tapped the rune into the cooling lump of iron, under Honee’s watchful gaze.  On the other side of the forge, Granholm lifted a similar piece of iron out of the steaming water.  He broke the metal apart, revealing the silvery dragon’s scale contained within. In the orange glow of the forge’s fire, there…

The Plot Thickens

Though the coming daylight was murky, it still let them see in normal light again. “What was that all about?” Sienna groused, as they quickly gathered up. “I have no idea,” Lucas answered. “Caitlyn, go into those woods and see how many were in there,” Fawnlum said.  “Sienna, go with her.  Then catch up.  We’ll…

Would Someone Come Fight Us, Please?

Fawnlum led the way across the Serod stream.  She had not dallied in town.  Despite everyone’s muted misgivings, she led her troupe back into the Windsaeve, bearing Lucas’ new wares.  The view was in black and white and shades of gray.  But it was working just as Lucas said it would:  the thin silver headbands…