Tag: strong women

Please, Not Like This

The long table at Klingger’s held a morose, grim bunch. Fawnlum and company sat, fresh off another battle, but silent and brooding. “I’ve been watching you lick your wounds the last few days,” Klingger said, as he passed by.  “They used goblins for their fodder.  Didn’t you simply kill more?” “They still have their army,”…

The Quick and the Dead

“They’re here to get us,” Caitlyn said from across the fire. “I know,” Sienna told her.  “But Fawnlum won’t let up her campaign, just because of the odds.” “Which is good,” Caitlyn agreed.  “But why was she so quick to trust the uzruul?  I know it’s better to judge one by their actions.  But still. …

We Find Comrades in Strange Places

It was risky, given how dark the murky daylight had become, but Fawnlum kept her party outside the nests, and around a small fire for a little longer.  Even though the haunting dread did not gnaw at them inside the compartments, she still wanted them to stretch their legs. “So,” Sienna said, from the other…

The Darkness is Still Their Domain

In the northern part of Windsaeve, close to the border with the farmlands, the Coastals sat in one of their first nests. “Well, they followed us here, too,” Dreighton said, as they waited, letting the mob move past. “We’ll just choose our moment,” Fawnlum said. “I don’t think they’re going to get chased off by…

Evil is Building, the Storm is Coming

As Caitlyn and Dreighton sat at their small fire, playing their part as decoys, an unexpected guest silently padded up.  They watched as she came closer, approaching as if tamed. “Well-met, spirit-wolf,” Dreighton said.  “What are you about?” The creature drew closer, looking around and quietly growling deep in her throat, growing more agitated. Then…

The Bud of an Idea Leads to a Plan

The industrious sounds rang out from two of Morgy’s forges.  Baneck worked in the one, and Granholm and Torsar toiled next door. Baneck took the warning – a pebble tossed by Honee – as a sign, and quickly poured the molten iron onto the sparkling scale sitting in the stone basin.  No sooner had he…

The Power of an Idea

For a ten-day since finding the boundary marker, they had traveled deeper. As they sat, passively bearing the dread of the living shadow around them, they heard the occasional rustle of leaves, letting them know they were still in the world of the living. They had something to cook, but no ambition to do so….

The Status Quo

Lucas looked over his shoulder, then glanced back at Sienna. “That wolf is following us.” “We know.” “Well, should we do something?” “Leave her alone.” “But she’s stalking us.” “Ha!  If that was the case, we wouldn’t have seen her.”   Later, as night had fallen, and the darkness of the forest palpably pressed in…

Find Your Inspiration

Baneck sat near the furnace, another day ended, another day wasted. A book sat in front of him, containing many runes and notes. Placed near the book, sat a couple pieces of raw orgite. He lifted up his shirt, and looked at his Mark in the firelight.  Then he rested his elbows again on the…

First Time Overseas

After jogging northeast for four days and making good time, Fawnlum reached the port town of Rijult. Now she and the rest of her company walked briskly along the docks of the trade city, to keep up with Sienna, who had secured passage across the Brierren Channel. “You’re not putting us in a leaky rowboat,…