Tag: magic

We Find Comrades in Strange Places

It was risky, given how dark the murky daylight had become, but Fawnlum kept her party outside the nests, and around a small fire for a little longer.  Even though the haunting dread did not gnaw at them inside the compartments, she still wanted them to stretch their legs. “So,” Sienna said, from the other…

Evil is Building, the Storm is Coming

As Caitlyn and Dreighton sat at their small fire, playing their part as decoys, an unexpected guest silently padded up.  They watched as she came closer, approaching as if tamed. “Well-met, spirit-wolf,” Dreighton said.  “What are you about?” The creature drew closer, looking around and quietly growling deep in her throat, growing more agitated. Then…

Magic Can’t Fill the Yearning Heart

“That’s very impressive,” Saraty Raijum told Nepta, as the young wizard explained her Mark to Fawnlum’s mighty mother in the Raijum hearth-room, then covered her shoulders back up. “Since I’ve started working with Diamance,” she told her, naming the belt of engraved, chain-linked, frost-steel plates Baneck had given her, now secured around her middle, “I…

Don’t Bother Me, I’m Working

He had no teacher to guide him, but he held the small mallet with confidence, carefully and patiently forming the symbols, one tap at a time. Honee had been right – it was better to do something for someone else.  But she had given him more guidance than she would ever know.  He had believed…

Do More, Reach Higher

In a closed off room in Morgy’s warehouse, the light from a few burnished lanterns illuminated the scene. Baneck gripped the handle of Tungstil, eager to unsheathe the blade. “I still can’t believe I’m letting you do this,” Honee said with flat effect, as she stood beside a long table. “I can’t believe you’d do…

Make Your Enemy Sweat, But Don’t Underestimate Them

Kamep the spear-sharpener stood at the table where the heads were piled.  Sye-nitch nearly pitied the low-ranking tribe-mate, as he told again of how a gang from the Blister-foot tribe had brought them into the Druntuss section of the undercity, staying only long enough to dump them in front of him, toss him the victims’…

The Fruits of Your Efforts

Baneck quietly stood over the coals. He felt the stillness of the night around him, and it added to his satisfaction, as he smiled at the luster of the red-glowing piece of silvery metal.  Then he contentedly went to bed for a good night’s sleep. He was up early the next morning, and nearly skipped…

Find Your Inspiration

Baneck sat near the furnace, another day ended, another day wasted. A book sat in front of him, containing many runes and notes. Placed near the book, sat a couple pieces of raw orgite. He lifted up his shirt, and looked at his Mark in the firelight.  Then he rested his elbows again on the…

Bile of Reminiscence

Egress looked at the vision in the scrying bowl.  The falsely-pleasant face of Nazzrant, human wizard and member of Maguleth’s northern division of the Daghaivan, looked back at him. “I bring news of a new troop deployment to the north of the Rocky Pine forest,” the uzruul said.  “The commander believes he will come between…

It’s All Your Fault

There was numbness, and a detachment from the senses.  Air currents carried ash and soot around him.  Baneck tried to breath, but found the air dry and heavy.  A short distance away, he saw a large dragon, dark bronze in color, hostile and menacing.  He wanted to run, but something kept him from it. He…