Tag: magic

It’s From the Direction You’re Not Looking That Danger Will Come

Repair, as well as new machinations, rapidly took place once they reached their little stronghold. After the second day, as Fawnlum was filling the bigger kiln with cut wood, she asked Nepta, “You sure you don’t want to rest?” “I don’t need it,” the young wizard said.  “My spells are set.  Just make sure everyone…

The Deadly Inspiration

The next morning, minus Morgenferrin, they were all sitting around the table again, having much the same discussion as when Torsar’s group had arrived. “We’ve killed a lot of them, but more keep coming,” Fawnlum explained. “So let’s kill more!” Caitlyn offered. “Aye!” Dreighton and Halrick quickly agreed. “It doesn’t matter,” Fawnlum fumed, tapping the…

The Ancient Magic Makes Waves

Fawnlum stood with Baneck at the door, before the lightless dawn.  She had her vest lifted up, exposing her back to his view. “Yes, there’s bruises there.” She let the garment drop back down, and re-cinched the front strings.  Then she gave a long, satisfied, full-body stretch. She leaned closer to him with a sly…

The Man Stays to Work While the Woman Goes to Fight. They’ll Both Do Great Things

An Enchanted Mark That Carries Great Power, And Great Danger

This is an early pic of Baneck Lichner, Fawnlum’s fiancé. Even though he’s not a warrior, Fawnlum loves him very much, and vice-versa. Gifted like other certain blacksmiths of their kingdom, he can carve magic runes into weapons and things. The powerful and mysterious Mark of Wintermore which has shown itself on his skin leads…

The Wizard Prepares the Battlefield, Then Heals Her Sisters

Nepta is the wizard-in-training of the group. In their world, you need magic on the battlefield to support your troops, and to defeat the magical attacks of the enemy. Nepta fills that role. She’s calm, quiet, analytical and very intelligent. She’s totally dedicated to her spellcraft, and works very hard to exceed in it. Her…

Please, Not Like This

The long table at Klingger’s held a morose, grim bunch. Fawnlum and company sat, fresh off another battle, but silent and brooding. “I’ve been watching you lick your wounds the last few days,” Klingger said, as he passed by.  “They used goblins for their fodder.  Didn’t you simply kill more?” “They still have their army,”…

Don’t Flinch, Even if You’re Busted

Sye-nitch had been comforted by Imep’s logic, until a couple days later, as Imep and Croll, and a few other Druntuss leaders were quietly plotting over a table.  One of the Oolar’s big bodyguards walked into the tavern, summoning Croll.  When the regiment commander ordered Sye-nitch to come along, the lookout felt impending doom. His…

Play a Dangerous Scheme

Moving among the many townsfolk and refugees, wearing the magical disguise of an old human male in worn farmer’s garb, Egress watched the people of Swinden, as they hurriedly evacuated their town in central Humboldt Bruit.  Those who had already fled danger, were able to take to the road again more quickly, with word of…

The Quick and the Dead

“They’re here to get us,” Caitlyn said from across the fire. “I know,” Sienna told her.  “But Fawnlum won’t let up her campaign, just because of the odds.” “Which is good,” Caitlyn agreed.  “But why was she so quick to trust the uzruul?  I know it’s better to judge one by their actions.  But still. …