Tag: frost-steel

These Are My People Skills

The foreboding forest greeted them, as Fawnlum led them out of town two weeks later.  They walked along the southwest edge of Windsaeve, trying to avoid any fights at the moment. “Fawnlum, I know what you’re thinking,” Sienna quietly whispered.  “You should reconsider.” It had taken more time, but Baneck had produced what she needed. …

The Ancient Magic Makes Waves

Fawnlum stood with Baneck at the door, before the lightless dawn.  She had her vest lifted up, exposing her back to his view. “Yes, there’s bruises there.” She let the garment drop back down, and re-cinched the front strings.  Then she gave a long, satisfied, full-body stretch. She leaned closer to him with a sly…

Please, Not Like This

The long table at Klingger’s held a morose, grim bunch. Fawnlum and company sat, fresh off another battle, but silent and brooding. “I’ve been watching you lick your wounds the last few days,” Klingger said, as he passed by.  “They used goblins for their fodder.  Didn’t you simply kill more?” “They still have their army,”…

Magic Can’t Fill the Yearning Heart

“That’s very impressive,” Saraty Raijum told Nepta, as the young wizard explained her Mark to Fawnlum’s mighty mother in the Raijum hearth-room, then covered her shoulders back up. “Since I’ve started working with Diamance,” she told her, naming the belt of engraved, chain-linked, frost-steel plates Baneck had given her, now secured around her middle, “I…

Don’t Bother Me, I’m Working

He had no teacher to guide him, but he held the small mallet with confidence, carefully and patiently forming the symbols, one tap at a time. Honee had been right – it was better to do something for someone else.  But she had given him more guidance than she would ever know.  He had believed…

The Best Trap Makes For the Sweetest Vengeance

Thanks to the dark-vision granted by her headband, Fawnlum saw the five north-side tri-cleorps moving in, on the pair of decoys sitting by the fire. Halrick and Caitlyn faced each other quietly, for all intents oblivious to any danger.   From her perch in their fourth nest-site, which the humans had built themselves, after the dwarves…

One Must Be Patient, to Craft Something Right

Even with his necklace, Baneck still felt a bit of warmth, with his hands resting so close to the metal, and the orange glow bathing his skin. He could feel the curiosity pouring off Morgy, as she looked over his shoulder.  Not that he liked somebody watching his every move, but he could appreciate her…

The Bud of an Idea Leads to a Plan

The industrious sounds rang out from two of Morgy’s forges.  Baneck worked in the one, and Granholm and Torsar toiled next door. Baneck took the warning – a pebble tossed by Honee – as a sign, and quickly poured the molten iron onto the sparkling scale sitting in the stone basin.  No sooner had he…