Tag: fight

Come and Get Me

After nearly a ten-day of rest at Klingger’s, the dwarves arrived, thanks to the speed of Fawnlum’s messenger, with fire in their eyes. “If you stick with me,” Fawnlum told them, “the tri-cleorps will come to you, since we killed their holy figure.” Gritcomb slapped the top of his head.  “Hoots, mon,” he exclaimed, a…

The Quick and the Dead

“They’re here to get us,” Caitlyn said from across the fire. “I know,” Sienna told her.  “But Fawnlum won’t let up her campaign, just because of the odds.” “Which is good,” Caitlyn agreed.  “But why was she so quick to trust the uzruul?  I know it’s better to judge one by their actions.  But still. …

They’ll Find Us More Than Ready

Sye-nitch looked away, as he threw the bag and its contents into the magma flow creeping past the forging area. He glared at the goblin workers.   Since their eyes could stand the red glow of the fire and lava, they were pressed into service here, making more weapons for the Oolar’s armies.  No one dared…

The Power of an Idea

For a ten-day since finding the boundary marker, they had traveled deeper. As they sat, passively bearing the dread of the living shadow around them, they heard the occasional rustle of leaves, letting them know they were still in the world of the living. They had something to cook, but no ambition to do so….

He Got in a Couple Good Licks

Baneck held his sword high, and shouted, “Diergon in Victory!” The cheering turned into a furious thunder around him. Then, suddenly, to Fawnlum’s shock, he slapped the flat of his sword against his shield, muttering a strange series of words, as if he was casting a spell! Felldrake narrowed his eyes, and reared forward.  He…