Tag: female heroine

Magic Can’t Fill the Yearning Heart

“That’s very impressive,” Saraty Raijum told Nepta, as the young wizard explained her Mark to Fawnlum’s mighty mother in the Raijum hearth-room, then covered her shoulders back up. “Since I’ve started working with Diamance,” she told her, naming the belt of engraved, chain-linked, frost-steel plates Baneck had given her, now secured around her middle, “I…

Victory Makes You Famous

Fawnlum and Lucas walked back to Klingger’s, having dropped off their newest goodly sum of gold in the well-guarded counting-house. Along with the clerk who took their money, a couple of merchants watched the exchange. Lucas had simply told them, “Yes, she’s killed that many.” As they approached the Spur Saddle, they spotted the small…

The Best Trap Makes For the Sweetest Vengeance

Thanks to the dark-vision granted by her headband, Fawnlum saw the five north-side tri-cleorps moving in, on the pair of decoys sitting by the fire. Halrick and Caitlyn faced each other quietly, for all intents oblivious to any danger.   From her perch in their fourth nest-site, which the humans had built themselves, after the dwarves…

The Power of an Idea

For a ten-day since finding the boundary marker, they had traveled deeper. As they sat, passively bearing the dread of the living shadow around them, they heard the occasional rustle of leaves, letting them know they were still in the world of the living. They had something to cook, but no ambition to do so….

Know Thy Enemy

Night had come over the Starlight Tower.  Wearing his human disguise in his quiet study, Egress sat, memorizing a spell, when the chime of a bell sounded, from a cloth-covered water bowl sitting among various sealed jars on a corner table. Loray paused as she was carrying a box between rooms, and looked to see…

The Status Quo

Lucas looked over his shoulder, then glanced back at Sienna. “That wolf is following us.” “We know.” “Well, should we do something?” “Leave her alone.” “But she’s stalking us.” “Ha!  If that was the case, we wouldn’t have seen her.”   Later, as night had fallen, and the darkness of the forest palpably pressed in…

First Time Overseas

After jogging northeast for four days and making good time, Fawnlum reached the port town of Rijult. Now she and the rest of her company walked briskly along the docks of the trade city, to keep up with Sienna, who had secured passage across the Brierren Channel. “You’re not putting us in a leaky rowboat,…

This is Not Goodbye

“A beautiful morning for traveling,” Fawnlum said. “It would be better spent with you, than seeing you go,” Baneck replied, as he stood with her on the east-bound road leading out of Dumian. Taking a deep breath of the pleasant spring air, she cast her eyes a couple miles to the southwest, where the festival…


Fawnlum sat with Baneck at the Lichners’ table, along with Baneck’s mother Amilyn, his father Granholm, Uncle Torsar, Saraty, and her own mighty father, Brajon Raijum. Standing next to the windows were Sienna, Honee, and Nepta. “Ho-ho!  You should have seen it, nephew,” Torsar chuckled. “Fawnlum had to leave, of course,” he continued.  “But ol’…

It’s All Your Fault

There was numbness, and a detachment from the senses.  Air currents carried ash and soot around him.  Baneck tried to breath, but found the air dry and heavy.  A short distance away, he saw a large dragon, dark bronze in color, hostile and menacing.  He wanted to run, but something kept him from it. He…