Tag: Fawnlum

Good Profit, Bad News

When Morgenferrin had asked Shrehvone for pieces of the Segune Tree – the sacred and ancient timber, blessed with the realm-touch of the elves’ gods – rooted in the center of the elf-home, he had come very close to ordering her execution, she was sure. Not that he had not been tempted centuries before, she…

Evil is Building, the Storm is Coming

As Caitlyn and Dreighton sat at their small fire, playing their part as decoys, an unexpected guest silently padded up.  They watched as she came closer, approaching as if tamed. “Well-met, spirit-wolf,” Dreighton said.  “What are you about?” The creature drew closer, looking around and quietly growling deep in her throat, growing more agitated. Then…

They’ll Find Us More Than Ready

Sye-nitch looked away, as he threw the bag and its contents into the magma flow creeping past the forging area. He glared at the goblin workers.   Since their eyes could stand the red glow of the fire and lava, they were pressed into service here, making more weapons for the Oolar’s armies.  No one dared…

Don’t Bother Me, I’m Working

He had no teacher to guide him, but he held the small mallet with confidence, carefully and patiently forming the symbols, one tap at a time. Honee had been right – it was better to do something for someone else.  But she had given him more guidance than she would ever know.  He had believed…

Victory Makes You Famous

Fawnlum and Lucas walked back to Klingger’s, having dropped off their newest goodly sum of gold in the well-guarded counting-house. Along with the clerk who took their money, a couple of merchants watched the exchange. Lucas had simply told them, “Yes, she’s killed that many.” As they approached the Spur Saddle, they spotted the small…

The Best Trap Makes For the Sweetest Vengeance

Thanks to the dark-vision granted by her headband, Fawnlum saw the five north-side tri-cleorps moving in, on the pair of decoys sitting by the fire. Halrick and Caitlyn faced each other quietly, for all intents oblivious to any danger.   From her perch in their fourth nest-site, which the humans had built themselves, after the dwarves…

Toiling away

Baneck had once told Fawnlum, that a smith had to be as good at making something, as the mightiest warrior was at fighting.  She saw the connection, and did believe in the roles that other trades – crafting, farming, and building – played to fulfill the good of a people.  However, she thought the ability…

The Bud of an Idea Leads to a Plan

The industrious sounds rang out from two of Morgy’s forges.  Baneck worked in the one, and Granholm and Torsar toiled next door. Baneck took the warning – a pebble tossed by Honee – as a sign, and quickly poured the molten iron onto the sparkling scale sitting in the stone basin.  No sooner had he…

The Power of an Idea

For a ten-day since finding the boundary marker, they had traveled deeper. As they sat, passively bearing the dread of the living shadow around them, they heard the occasional rustle of leaves, letting them know they were still in the world of the living. They had something to cook, but no ambition to do so….

Let’s Make Some Noise

Fawnlum and her friends had blown back into the Spur Saddle, after being gone for only two days.  They set upon the bar with a vengeance, at precisely the right time of evening.  With the sharing of their tale, and buying the house a few rounds, the establishment quickly became a festive and noisy place. …