Tag: fantasy

These Are My People Skills

The foreboding forest greeted them, as Fawnlum led them out of town two weeks later.  They walked along the southwest edge of Windsaeve, trying to avoid any fights at the moment. “Fawnlum, I know what you’re thinking,” Sienna quietly whispered.  “You should reconsider.” It had taken more time, but Baneck had produced what she needed. …

The Ancient Magic Makes Waves

Fawnlum stood with Baneck at the door, before the lightless dawn.  She had her vest lifted up, exposing her back to his view. “Yes, there’s bruises there.” She let the garment drop back down, and re-cinched the front strings.  Then she gave a long, satisfied, full-body stretch. She leaned closer to him with a sly…

She’ll Make a Name for Herself

Here is the lead heroine of my story, Jagged Coast. Gifted even by the standards of her people, she is in training to be a battlefield commander and leader of fighting regiments. She is strong and skilled, but feels her role is the protection of life, and the right of people to live a peaceful…

An Enchanted Mark That Carries Great Power, And Great Danger

This is an early pic of Baneck Lichner, Fawnlum’s fiancé. Even though he’s not a warrior, Fawnlum loves him very much, and vice-versa. Gifted like other certain blacksmiths of their kingdom, he can carve magic runes into weapons and things. The powerful and mysterious Mark of Wintermore which has shown itself on his skin leads…

Silent Death, With a Smile

Born and trained to be a combination of battlefield scout and assassin, she’s the one whose job it is to find enemy scouts and eliminate them, quietly, while finding enemy positions and weaknesses. And when necessary, sneak into a camp and kill the enemy, like a ninja. She is trained to quietly deal death with…

Victory is Earned, One Enemy Corpse At a Time

She Can Cut Through Any Wall if There’s a Reward on the Other Side

Before their eighth year of life, Sienna and Fawnlum were rivals, but she could not overcome Fawnlum in their sparring matches. Recognizing that the strongest among their people would fight the strongest enemies, Sienna declared Fawnlum her sister, and where Fawnlum found the greatest battle, there Sienna would be. Like Fawnlum, she’s grown to be…

Don’t Flinch, Even if You’re Busted

Sye-nitch had been comforted by Imep’s logic, until a couple days later, as Imep and Croll, and a few other Druntuss leaders were quietly plotting over a table.  One of the Oolar’s big bodyguards walked into the tavern, summoning Croll.  When the regiment commander ordered Sye-nitch to come along, the lookout felt impending doom. His…

We Find Comrades in Strange Places

It was risky, given how dark the murky daylight had become, but Fawnlum kept her party outside the nests, and around a small fire for a little longer.  Even though the haunting dread did not gnaw at them inside the compartments, she still wanted them to stretch their legs. “So,” Sienna said, from the other…

Victory Makes You Famous

Fawnlum and Lucas walked back to Klingger’s, having dropped off their newest goodly sum of gold in the well-guarded counting-house. Along with the clerk who took their money, a couple of merchants watched the exchange. Lucas had simply told them, “Yes, she’s killed that many.” As they approached the Spur Saddle, they spotted the small…