Tag: elf

These Are My People Skills

The foreboding forest greeted them, as Fawnlum led them out of town two weeks later.  They walked along the southwest edge of Windsaeve, trying to avoid any fights at the moment. “Fawnlum, I know what you’re thinking,” Sienna quietly whispered.  “You should reconsider.” It had taken more time, but Baneck had produced what she needed. …

Eyes in the Darkness

“You can make it from here,” Bik’nar told Fawnlum. With the uzruuls’ own night vision, knowledge of the forest, and concealment enchantment, they had guided the Coastals back toward East Osterly. Fawnlum took stock of her comrades.  After brief snippets of rest – not even using their nests – and less food, they were in…

Opportunity in the Rough

Loray read the note, and choked back sobs, as she buried her face in her hands. “Thank you,” was all she could say. The glisten of tears in the corners of her eyes reminded him of his starry sky. He had asked himself this question before, many times, as he had felt the poisoning of…

The Evil Deed

Egress Peloar sat cross-legged, forming the magical gestures with his gracefully interweaving hands.  The gentle rays of an early spring sun shown through the peaceful Windsaeve forest, in the land of western Calador, around the stealth field which hid the two robed figures from the eyes of the world. The pale, alien, five-inch-high mushroom in…