Tag: dragon

It’s Fawnlum’s Turn

Fawnlum charged, as if she was going for the chest wound. Felldrake back-stepped, held Baneck out of the way, and breathed another blast of fire at her. The blistering onslaught completely engulfed her, and sent a wave of heat radiating all around for everyone in the crowd to feel. Fresh cries of grief and anger…

The Noblest of Intentions

A collective gasp burst from the crowd, and Fawnlum looked with everyone else, to see a lone figure striding out into the open. Her breath caught in her throat as she recognized Baneck Lichner, her beloved, walking toward Felldrake, carrying a sword and shield. Baneck stoically kept his eyes on the dragon, his five foot…

The Party Crasher

Fawnlum joined the people looking skyward, as a shout went up, and then another. Sabers and axes were raised, and wizards and clerics started the early invocations of spells and gathering power. The crowd drew back as the body descended, its shadow making lazy circles as it claimed the ground.  It made tighter and tighter…