Tag: dragon

The World Will Know Your Work

Baneck carried a sheathed sword, before the sunrise, as Morgenferrin led him once again through a hidden door of her warehouse, and gaped in amazement, as they passed into a great, expansive chamber of wood and stone. “Why so surprised?  I told you, this is a special place.” “Yes, but to see it so much…

One Must Be Patient, to Craft Something Right

Even with his necklace, Baneck still felt a bit of warmth, with his hands resting so close to the metal, and the orange glow bathing his skin. He could feel the curiosity pouring off Morgy, as she looked over his shoulder.  Not that he liked somebody watching his every move, but he could appreciate her…

The Fruits of Your Efforts

Baneck quietly stood over the coals. He felt the stillness of the night around him, and it added to his satisfaction, as he smiled at the luster of the red-glowing piece of silvery metal.  Then he contentedly went to bed for a good night’s sleep. He was up early the next morning, and nearly skipped…

Find Your Inspiration

Baneck sat near the furnace, another day ended, another day wasted. A book sat in front of him, containing many runes and notes. Placed near the book, sat a couple pieces of raw orgite. He lifted up his shirt, and looked at his Mark in the firelight.  Then he rested his elbows again on the…

Family Secret

The clatter of wheels rang emptily in the night, as Baneck hid under the canvas in the horse-drawn cart, and Torsar guided them out of Dumian and toward Khostead’s western rocky shore. Granholm continued refining orgite in the Lichner forge, while Honee let herself be seen coming and going around the house, giving the illusion…

The Bargaining Table

She looked at him, still light-hearted.  “You’ve wanted to ask me that for these many months, haven’t you? “You do know that when I give my word, it’s good,” she answered, still pleasant in her tone, but serious in her eyes, being very tolerant, in dragon terms, of someone asking such a question. “I know…

The Local Dragon’s Past

She took a sip of her ale.  “I was involved in a certain conflict in the land of Calador, as some of the current generation knows.”  She spoke slowly, without a hint of her usual good humor. Maybe it was because she had powers of persuasion, or because it was a chance to learn something…

The Idiot Hero

After nightfall, Baneck and Torsar entered Morgenferrin Copprin’s tavern – – The Watchlight. Easily the biggest and swankiest place in Dumian, or the continent of Khostead, for that matter, it was right next to Lady Copprin’s inn and store. She had many other such businesses; but these she personally worked as her base of operations….

The Villain and the Toady

Far to the west-north-west, among barren peaks, a shadow entered a cave at the base of a cold, lonely mountain. His magic defeated traps and guard-beasts, as he made his way slowly but surely toward the mountain’s heart, and the lair contained within. The stranger knew his presence was detected by the wards along the…

It’s All Your Fault

There was numbness, and a detachment from the senses.  Air currents carried ash and soot around him.  Baneck tried to breath, but found the air dry and heavy.  A short distance away, he saw a large dragon, dark bronze in color, hostile and menacing.  He wanted to run, but something kept him from it. He…