Tag: blacksmith


Baneck inspected the formed saber in the vise.  He could not help but notice how much his work had improved over the last few months. He heard the wagon of Dromen Hashing go by, fully loaded, by the creaks of the axles. Then Dromen shouted, and Baneck looked up, stepping out into the street, to…

The Ancient Magic Makes Waves

Fawnlum stood with Baneck at the door, before the lightless dawn.  She had her vest lifted up, exposing her back to his view. “Yes, there’s bruises there.” She let the garment drop back down, and re-cinched the front strings.  Then she gave a long, satisfied, full-body stretch. She leaned closer to him with a sly…

Find Your Inspiration

Baneck sat near the furnace, another day ended, another day wasted. A book sat in front of him, containing many runes and notes. Placed near the book, sat a couple pieces of raw orgite. He lifted up his shirt, and looked at his Mark in the firelight.  Then he rested his elbows again on the…

The Danger Back Home

It was cool and clear, and the night air had an especially crisp quality. Baneck looked up as his father Granholm entered the house, after having hung an iron totem carved with magic runes to prevent eavesdropping, above the door of the family home. Then he sat, joining Baneck, Amilyn, Baneck’s younger sister Lynnia, and…

The Bargaining Table

She looked at him, still light-hearted.  “You’ve wanted to ask me that for these many months, haven’t you? “You do know that when I give my word, it’s good,” she answered, still pleasant in her tone, but serious in her eyes, being very tolerant, in dragon terms, of someone asking such a question. “I know…

The Local Dragon’s Past

She took a sip of her ale.  “I was involved in a certain conflict in the land of Calador, as some of the current generation knows.”  She spoke slowly, without a hint of her usual good humor. Maybe it was because she had powers of persuasion, or because it was a chance to learn something…

The Idiot Hero

After nightfall, Baneck and Torsar entered Morgenferrin Copprin’s tavern – – The Watchlight. Easily the biggest and swankiest place in Dumian, or the continent of Khostead, for that matter, it was right next to Lady Copprin’s inn and store. She had many other such businesses; but these she personally worked as her base of operations….

This is Not Goodbye

“A beautiful morning for traveling,” Fawnlum said. “It would be better spent with you, than seeing you go,” Baneck replied, as he stood with her on the east-bound road leading out of Dumian. Taking a deep breath of the pleasant spring air, she cast her eyes a couple miles to the southwest, where the festival…