Tag: Baneck


Baneck inspected the formed saber in the vise.  He could not help but notice how much his work had improved over the last few months. He heard the wagon of Dromen Hashing go by, fully loaded, by the creaks of the axles. Then Dromen shouted, and Baneck looked up, stepping out into the street, to…

The Ancient Magic Makes Waves

Fawnlum stood with Baneck at the door, before the lightless dawn.  She had her vest lifted up, exposing her back to his view. “Yes, there’s bruises there.” She let the garment drop back down, and re-cinched the front strings.  Then she gave a long, satisfied, full-body stretch. She leaned closer to him with a sly…

The Man Stays to Work While the Woman Goes to Fight. They’ll Both Do Great Things

Please, Not Like This

The long table at Klingger’s held a morose, grim bunch. Fawnlum and company sat, fresh off another battle, but silent and brooding. “I’ve been watching you lick your wounds the last few days,” Klingger said, as he passed by.  “They used goblins for their fodder.  Didn’t you simply kill more?” “They still have their army,”…

The World Will Know Your Work

Baneck carried a sheathed sword, before the sunrise, as Morgenferrin led him once again through a hidden door of her warehouse, and gaped in amazement, as they passed into a great, expansive chamber of wood and stone. “Why so surprised?  I told you, this is a special place.” “Yes, but to see it so much…

Don’t Bother Me, I’m Working

He had no teacher to guide him, but he held the small mallet with confidence, carefully and patiently forming the symbols, one tap at a time. Honee had been right – it was better to do something for someone else.  But she had given him more guidance than she would ever know.  He had believed…

Do More, Reach Higher

In a closed off room in Morgy’s warehouse, the light from a few burnished lanterns illuminated the scene. Baneck gripped the handle of Tungstil, eager to unsheathe the blade. “I still can’t believe I’m letting you do this,” Honee said with flat effect, as she stood beside a long table. “I can’t believe you’d do…

One Must Be Patient, to Craft Something Right

Even with his necklace, Baneck still felt a bit of warmth, with his hands resting so close to the metal, and the orange glow bathing his skin. He could feel the curiosity pouring off Morgy, as she looked over his shoulder.  Not that he liked somebody watching his every move, but he could appreciate her…

When Your Efforts Are For Naught

Baneck stood before the forge, his hammer and chisel at the ready.  In the wider world, smiths would find it difficult to smelt the orgite.  The furnaces of the Coast were specially made, with hot-fired bricks of the unique clay of the land, containing the greater heat produced by the driftwood. The resulting blaze was…

Sometimes Secrets Help Us; Sometimes They Save Our Lives

Baneck carefully tapped the rune into the cooling lump of iron, under Honee’s watchful gaze.  On the other side of the forge, Granholm lifted a similar piece of iron out of the steaming water.  He broke the metal apart, revealing the silvery dragon’s scale contained within. In the orange glow of the forge’s fire, there…