Tag: aftermath


Fawnlum sat with Baneck at the Lichners’ table, along with Baneck’s mother Amilyn, his father Granholm, Uncle Torsar, Saraty, and her own mighty father, Brajon Raijum. Standing next to the windows were Sienna, Honee, and Nepta. “Ho-ho!  You should have seen it, nephew,” Torsar chuckled. “Fawnlum had to leave, of course,” he continued.  “But ol’…

It’s All Your Fault

There was numbness, and a detachment from the senses.  Air currents carried ash and soot around him.  Baneck tried to breath, but found the air dry and heavy.  A short distance away, he saw a large dragon, dark bronze in color, hostile and menacing.  He wanted to run, but something kept him from it. He…