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Plot Point 1 In The Context Of The Story Arc We write a more fulfilling story when the parts of that story come together for the reader to see.

How To Outline Your Novel | Part Five Sharing this, since it looked constructive

One Must Be Patient, to Craft Something Right

Even with his necklace, Baneck still felt a bit of warmth, with his hands resting so close to the metal, and the orange glow bathing his skin. He could feel the curiosity pouring off Morgy, as she looked over his shoulder.  Not that he liked somebody watching his every move, but he could appreciate her…

Toiling away

Baneck had once told Fawnlum, that a smith had to be as good at making something, as the mightiest warrior was at fighting.  She saw the connection, and did believe in the roles that other trades – crafting, farming, and building – played to fulfill the good of a people.  However, she thought the ability…

People Make the Victory

Crassifax Bellhold, Hammermound dwarf smith working in East Osterly, smiled up at Fawnlum through his densely whiskered face, as she beheld the product of his labors.  After Sienna and Dreighton had delivered Banacheck’s note, he had asked few questions, but went right to work.  In the time it took the other humans and dwarves to…

The Bud of an Idea Leads to a Plan

The industrious sounds rang out from two of Morgy’s forges.  Baneck worked in the one, and Granholm and Torsar toiled next door. Baneck took the warning – a pebble tossed by Honee – as a sign, and quickly poured the molten iron onto the sparkling scale sitting in the stone basin.  No sooner had he…

The Power of an Idea

For a ten-day since finding the boundary marker, they had traveled deeper. As they sat, passively bearing the dread of the living shadow around them, they heard the occasional rustle of leaves, letting them know they were still in the world of the living. They had something to cook, but no ambition to do so….

The Fruits of Your Efforts

Baneck quietly stood over the coals. He felt the stillness of the night around him, and it added to his satisfaction, as he smiled at the luster of the red-glowing piece of silvery metal.  Then he contentedly went to bed for a good night’s sleep. He was up early the next morning, and nearly skipped…

I think I have more ideas come to mind with a writing prompt made up of a phrase. Even if it’s just a few words to give background, I think it sparks my imagination more than one-word prompts.

via Spark Prompts 17 – Freedom

Inciting Incident In The Context Of The Story Arc

Story is structure. Check out this lesson by Kristina Stanley to build it right. 👍