Category: Uncategorized

The Wizard Prepares the Battlefield, Then Heals Her Sisters

Nepta is the wizard-in-training of the group. In their world, you need magic on the battlefield to support your troops, and to defeat the magical attacks of the enemy. Nepta fills that role. She’s calm, quiet, analytical and very intelligent. She’s totally dedicated to her spellcraft, and works very hard to exceed in it. Her…

Silent Death, With a Smile

Born and trained to be a combination of battlefield scout and assassin, she’s the one whose job it is to find enemy scouts and eliminate them, quietly, while finding enemy positions and weaknesses. And when necessary, sneak into a camp and kill the enemy, like a ninja. She is trained to quietly deal death with…

Victory is Earned, One Enemy Corpse At a Time

She Can Cut Through Any Wall if There’s a Reward on the Other Side

Before their eighth year of life, Sienna and Fawnlum were rivals, but she could not overcome Fawnlum in their sparring matches. Recognizing that the strongest among their people would fight the strongest enemies, Sienna declared Fawnlum her sister, and where Fawnlum found the greatest battle, there Sienna would be. Like Fawnlum, she’s grown to be…

Please, Not Like This

The long table at Klingger’s held a morose, grim bunch. Fawnlum and company sat, fresh off another battle, but silent and brooding. “I’ve been watching you lick your wounds the last few days,” Klingger said, as he passed by.  “They used goblins for their fodder.  Didn’t you simply kill more?” “They still have their army,”…

Don’t Flinch, Even if You’re Busted

Sye-nitch had been comforted by Imep’s logic, until a couple days later, as Imep and Croll, and a few other Druntuss leaders were quietly plotting over a table.  One of the Oolar’s big bodyguards walked into the tavern, summoning Croll.  When the regiment commander ordered Sye-nitch to come along, the lookout felt impending doom. His…

Come and Get Me

After nearly a ten-day of rest at Klingger’s, the dwarves arrived, thanks to the speed of Fawnlum’s messenger, with fire in their eyes. “If you stick with me,” Fawnlum told them, “the tri-cleorps will come to you, since we killed their holy figure.” Gritcomb slapped the top of his head.  “Hoots, mon,” he exclaimed, a…

Only Fawnlum Could Do This

In the eastern quarter of Henbrace, in the Plavence and stronghold of the city’s wizards, Morgenferrin sat before Jorain Maretto. “A pleasure it is, Lady Copprin, to welcome such a distinguished visitor to my quarters.” “Thank you for your hospitality, especially in light of my heritage.” “Well, I’ve never entertained a dragon before,” he said,…

Eyes in the Darkness

“You can make it from here,” Bik’nar told Fawnlum. With the uzruuls’ own night vision, knowledge of the forest, and concealment enchantment, they had guided the Coastals back toward East Osterly. Fawnlum took stock of her comrades.  After brief snippets of rest – not even using their nests – and less food, they were in…

You’ll Find No Revenge Tonight

Sye-nitch was surprised by how many of the tribe knew about the death of Hotchpik.  It was quickly becoming the worst-kept secret in their ranks, all because of Croll.  Also thanks to Croll, was the pain Sye-nitch now suffered, as he squinted, walking on the forest floor. The little light that came, was still the…