Category: Shares

Watch “Iwakakeru! Sport Climbing Girls Episode 6 English Sub” on YouTube At 13:51 – “She’s absurdly quick to pick herself up and try again.” That’s a good life lesson for everyone, young or old.

Look at this… 👀

I saw this picture as far back as the 1980s. I need to revisit it, for encouragement, and keep going.🙂 Look at this… 👀

Watch “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Live At The Helix In Dublin…” on YouTube

I have always loved Celtic Woman. And it’s nice to share their angelic performance of such a wonderful song.

Even if it wasn’t #InternationalWomensDay, I would still want to share this video of this young woman in China using hard work, resourcefulness and creativity, to do a lot of great things with simple materials.

Make Your Enemy Sweat, But Don’t Underestimate Them

Kamep the spear-sharpener stood at the table where the heads were piled.  Sye-nitch nearly pitied the low-ranking tribe-mate, as he told again of how a gang from the Blister-foot tribe had brought them into the Druntuss section of the undercity, staying only long enough to dump them in front of him, toss him the victims’…

Women can be able. The story can come to life through it. I wanted to share this literary analysis about female characters.

    via Literary Trend Spotting: Tough Women