Author: admin

Bile of Reminiscence

Egress looked at the vision in the scrying bowl.  The falsely-pleasant face of Nazzrant, human wizard and member of Maguleth’s northern division of the Daghaivan, looked back at him. “I bring news of a new troop deployment to the north of the Rocky Pine forest,” the uzruul said.  “The commander believes he will come between…

Reddit – Fantasy – Who owns what in copyright world – characters, worlds, traits etc?

“Drow” — trademarked? [Archive] – RPGnet Forums

Has the Gift Played Itself Out?

Baneck held Tungstil, his magnificent sword that had cut through a red dragon’s scales without magical assistance, and set it unceremoniously on the Lichner family table in front of him. “Try as I might, I haven’t been able to carve any of these runes again.” Nepta quickly answered him, “A mysterious power like Wintermore must…

Here’s a share for organizing one’s site Learn how to make the most of your menu. via All About Custom Menus: Quick Tips for Organizing Your Content — Discover

Doubling Down

Sye-nitch watched, as Croll sat with Imep and other company commanders.  Hruang, another such commander, gave his report. “Other than those two, our boys were wiped out.” Croll cursed. “Where are they now?” Croll grumbled, his hands flat on the table-top. “In the barracks.  I’m getting ready to bring some more into the Wander-packs to…

We Move Forward

Fawnlum and her friends sat in another eatery, close to the city wall, getting in one last civilized meal before going out into the forest again. “Are you ready to go yet?” she asked Sienna, two days after her dark-haired comrade had visited the Nacklegems. “Yes, fearless leader, I am!  Those gnomes are tough negotiators.”…

Women can be able. The story can come to life through it. I wanted to share this literary analysis about female characters.

    via Literary Trend Spotting: Tough Women

Let’s Make Some Noise

Fawnlum and her friends had blown back into the Spur Saddle, after being gone for only two days.  They set upon the bar with a vengeance, at precisely the right time of evening.  With the sharing of their tale, and buying the house a few rounds, the establishment quickly became a festive and noisy place. …