Author: admin

We’ve Gotten Somebody’s Attention

After a couple days to rest and resupply, Fawnlum led them out. Exiting the same dwarf-built gate, they took the Garrior Trail northeast, then found the new trail running more northwest, as it had been described to them.  Camping was restful, as they found a very defensible position along a collection of giant, wall-like boulders,…

The Penalty for Failure

Sye-nitch stood with Croll, regiment commander of the Druntuss tribe, and their powerful chief, Ingruk, in the rooms housing the Daghaivan – the Oolar’s dark-robed wizards – in the central quarter of the undercity complex. It was not often the tri-cleorps ventured here.  Usually only the Oolar and his bodyguards visited, then shared news with…

Morass of Leadership

Fawnlum was impressed with Andgia’s motivation, if not her compassion.  But if this was a military decision to make, then the food crop needed by the north would have to be preserved, as she said. She expected the logic to silence Mettrals, and noticed the stony look Byrnem gave the vest-bedecked minister.  But it was…

When Your Efforts Are For Naught

Baneck stood before the forge, his hammer and chisel at the ready.  In the wider world, smiths would find it difficult to smelt the orgite.  The furnaces of the Coast were specially made, with hot-fired bricks of the unique clay of the land, containing the greater heat produced by the driftwood. The resulting blaze was…

Sometimes Secrets Help Us; Sometimes They Save Our Lives

Baneck carefully tapped the rune into the cooling lump of iron, under Honee’s watchful gaze.  On the other side of the forge, Granholm lifted a similar piece of iron out of the steaming water.  He broke the metal apart, revealing the silvery dragon’s scale contained within. In the orange glow of the forge’s fire, there…

The Plot Thickens

Though the coming daylight was murky, it still let them see in normal light again. “What was that all about?” Sienna groused, as they quickly gathered up. “I have no idea,” Lucas answered. “Caitlyn, go into those woods and see how many were in there,” Fawnlum said.  “Sienna, go with her.  Then catch up.  We’ll…

Would Someone Come Fight Us, Please?

Fawnlum led the way across the Serod stream.  She had not dallied in town.  Despite everyone’s muted misgivings, she led her troupe back into the Windsaeve, bearing Lucas’ new wares.  The view was in black and white and shades of gray.  But it was working just as Lucas said it would:  the thin silver headbands…

Friends Face the Darkness Together

Fawnlum added a couple large sticks to the fire, very thankful the streams were still safe.  But they were not the haunt of their quarry, so after having trekked east along the Gonall for a couple days, she had led them south on a game trail. In the darkness – the pitch-black nighttime – they…

Family Secret

The clatter of wheels rang emptily in the night, as Baneck hid under the canvas in the horse-drawn cart, and Torsar guided them out of Dumian and toward Khostead’s western rocky shore. Granholm continued refining orgite in the Lichner forge, while Honee let herself be seen coming and going around the house, giving the illusion…

First Encounter

Caitlyn sat on the tree limb, more than 12 feet above the ground, with a small torch tacked into the trunk beside her, burning low.  She looked away from all the sources of light, preserving her night vision. Fawnlum could feel the oppressive atmosphere filling the night around them.  She glared into the darkness, then…